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The Power of Two

Last updated June 18, 2013
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Remember the Skoda Cake Car? Well, this week’s guest blog is from the woman whose company  baked the cake that built the car: Sharon Goodyer. Having spent most of her working life in educational management she is now an entrepreneur focused on the food and wellness sector. Her insightful blog follows a discussion we were having about how to make training in the work place even more successful. It’s so simple but could be the difference between huge success or a waste of money…..

2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048,  4096…………….   When was the last time you saw growth like this?

Considering sending one of the team on a training course? Do you hope this will result in meaningful change and significant growth in your business?

Improve the likelihood of this happening by sending two people on the course. Benefit from: The Power of Two.

I know, just imagine the hassle! Planning to cope with one away is bad enough isn't it!

However we all know that if management is unwilling to provide reasonable time and money to get something done then they don’t want it done very much.

If you are trying to make real permanent change then what is the best way to spend  the time and money? What conditions can you establish and what support can you put in place to ensure that this time and money is effectively spent?

The best thing I did was to send two people on training, often one from the established management team and a relatively new employee. The Power of Two is that they can support each other, keep each other on track, encourage and remind each other. The change you want is much more likely to happen. You will benefit from the energy and sustained approach that will result.

A lone voice returning from a training course full of enthusiasm and new ideas is more likely to be an irritant rather than an effective long term agent of change. 

Sending two people on the same course will have a real impact on your business so choose the training course carefully! Look out for those training providers who understand the Power of Two and support it by offering a second place at a reduced cost’

Sharon Goodyer is excited by her new start up. It gives her a chance to work alongside people who want to improve their wellbeing by improving their diet. Together they will develop a range of new food products which are delicious and high in dietary fibre. Her new blog will give everyone a chance to share ideas and pick up useful tips. Sharon can be contacted at sharongoodyer@hotmail.com  

Shirley Mansfield
Master Business Problem Solver

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