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Are You Looking After Your Employees

Last updated February 26, 2019
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I'm always keen to help those that help themselves and so when Jamie Costello, a business student from Manchester asked if he could write a blog for my site I was happy to help. Jamie wanted writing opportunities that will help build up a portfolio for his University course.

Here is his piece...

In a small business environment, it’s crucial that every employee works to their full potential and at the highest level as you look to grow from the get-go. This is why the wellbeing of your staff should be considered a top priority within your business.

Employees that are engaged and happy are more likely to be productive. As a result, they’ll produce quality work on a consistent basis which is what you need if you’re to succeed as a small business. It’s all about making sure that your workers feel valued and motivated to perform well in their role.

There are several ways that you can help to improve your working environment and boost the productivity of your employees, even with the smallest little changes.

Purchase A Coffee Machine

The size and type of coffee machine you purchase will be totally dependent on the size of your workforce and also whether you work from home or a small commercial building. Research has shown that if a worker has access to a coffee machine, they’re more likely to be productive for almost 30 minutes extra a day.

This isn’t necessarily due to coffee making them feel more awake, but it actually works to disable the chemicals in the brain that causes them to be sleepy.

An on-site coffee machine means they’ll be able to get up when they’re feeling a bit lethargic and save them the trouble of purchasing milk and coffee from the shop.

A Dedicated Break Room Can Help With Employee Wellness

 It can be rather draining for an employee to remain at their desk for the whole working day. In fact, not stepping away from your desk or taking a break from your daily tasks can cause increasing amounts of stress and be extremely counterproductive.

Taking a step back from your work for a bit will help you to recharge and gain a fresh outlook with your ideas when you get back to your desk chair to start work again. If possible, create a dedicated break room for your employees to go to on their breaks.

Add-In Additional Greenery To Your Workspace

Believe it or not, the use of plants and flowers in your working environment can help to improve employee wellbeing. Not only are they visually appealing for your office, but they also decrease sickness and decrease the chances of indoor pollution build up. The process of gas exchange in plants means they can release fresh oxygen into the air and take away the build-up of carbon dioxide. It’s a handy additional feature to have on top of any ventilation systems that you may have already or a great alternative.

Ensure You Have Good Lighting

This will be crucial, especially in the winter when you’re likely to have the blinds down and the lights on because of the dim lighting outside. Low exposure to light levels can decrease vitamin D levels and this has been linked to signs of depression and lower immune systems.

In particular, office jobs are will see your employees working predominantly indoors. If there are a lack of windows in your office or the lighting is low outside, considering purchasing SAD lamps, which compensate for the lack of sunlight. 

To wrap up....

To make sure that your workforce works to the best of their ability, it’s essential that your employees remain happy and engaged within their work.

As a small business owner, although you’ll have a lot on your plate be sure that your employees are also considered throughout the process. Making small changes around the office environment will help to raise productivity and keep attendance consistent.

Implementing break rooms, proper lighting and coffee machines are just some of the things you can do to help improve the output in the long run.

Shirley Mansfield
Master Business Problem Solver

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