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Get A Grip Book Review

Last updated May 9, 2016
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As a business coach I’ve come across lots of different business models and management systems – some good others debatable.

I’ve read lots of books too and each one promises to help the struggling business owner.

Get a Grip Frontcover

I listened to ‘Get A Grip’ by Gino Wickman and Mike Paton on Audible first and then bought the book and this one really made me sit up and think. It’s now well thumbed, tagged and highlighted – a permanent fixture in my work bag.

This book is a follow up to ‘Traction’ but this time Wickman and Paton show how the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) works.

Written as a story, it’s engaging, informative and paints a very real picture of how a struggling business can turn it around.

During the story it covers the damaging mind-sets that hold us back, shows how very different characters react and the inevitable casualties along the way. It is written from experience and shows that however painful it’s been; the EOS can make a difference.

Swan Services, the fictional company is in a mess; falling revenue, uncertain market conditions, low profits, corporate politics and warring founders all damaging what is a good business underneath. As the damage gets worst one of the founders, Eileen is introduced to the EOS. Eileen, her partner Vic and the senior team embark on the EOS journey under the careful guidance of Alan.

As you follow Swan Services’ story you’re introduced to the elements of the EOS and how they are implemented. Each element is also shown as a diagram to help understanding.

The EOS proven process unfolds at a sensible pace. It’s broken down into manageable, and logical chunks that are easily followed. Before you know it all the elements are in place and change is happening. The business plan is done and is a living document instead of a tome propping open the door.

I’m always promoting less is more with my clients; a one-page business plan with a financial forecast and a calendar. So the very best part of the EOS for me was the development of the one-page business plan with its 8 points. Simple, yet effective. All the important bits on one page; easy to communicate too.

This is a real book, covering real issues faced by entrepreneurs and senior managers. This is do-able and Wickman & Paton lay it all out for you. Since reading I have introduced some elements to other business owners, for example the very best way to get to a set of core values, all with fantastic and quick results.

For me this is a 10 out of 10 book that every business that wants to grow should not only read but implement too. Want to know more?

Listen via Audible

Read the book

Visit www.eosworldwide.com or follow @EOSWorldwide

Shirley Mansfield
Master Business Problem Solver

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2. Grab a copy of my book The Grown-Up Business (paperback and Kindle). Get the tools and inspiration you need to go to the next level of wealth.

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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