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The Christmas Survival Guide For Business Owners Who Don’t Want to Switch Off.

Last updated November 30, 2020
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If you find it hard to, or just plain don’t want to switch off at Christmas, summer breaks or holidays, then this guide is just for you.

I know it’s hard to completely shut off from your business,  I fail almost every time!

I’m a self-confessed work addict, not a workaholic but I love my work and if I’m honest feel a little lost when I’m forced to have a break. I know I need time out but switching from ‘full on to full off’ is hard. That is why I developed this guide to help with business withdrawal symptoms and for busines owners just like me!

If you feel a little guilty…. Don’t!

It has practical tasks that you can fit into any family or me time day over the holidays. From 5 minutes to a whole day and everywhere in between. There's something you can do in even the smallest time slot.

I know that you miss work if your business is closed, but this is a great thinking and planning time for business owners like you and me.

Be kind to yourself, try to have a break but if you have withdrawal symptoms there is something to do to get you ahead.

But if you can't....

Shirley Mansfield
Master Business Problem Solver

When you’re ready here are three ways I can help you build your business:

1. Follow me on X / LinkedIn and let me know the business challenges keeping you awake at night that you want to solve. Click here to email. Connect with me, The Business Planning Coach on Facebook and Instagram.

2. Grab a copy of my book The Grown-Up Business (paperback and Kindle). Get the tools and inspiration you need to go to the next level of wealth.

3. Work with me on your growth business to overcome the blockages, hurdles & problems that are holding you back. Join the community, email me with Let’s Get Started in the subject line or book a 30 Discovery Meeting using Calendly


“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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