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Can I Have Mine Without the Gerkin?

Last updated April 2, 2012
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Ask that question and the whole slick process of delivering your burger comes to a grinding halt – but why? My guess is it's all about the process and staff efficiency keeping costs down, but does it make the customers happy? Probably not, most of us will however, just put up with it.

Having sat down with a coffee and a muffin in one of those high streets coffee chains with a briefcase, handbag, notepad and a coat, I enjoyed my coffee and decided I wanted another. I asked the waitress clearing the table if she could bring me one only to be told I would have to queue up again.

That was definitely on the too difficult pile from me but my sad eyes obviously struck a chord with the trainee barista who took pity on me and did bring me a coffee over. As result, I went from being very fed up and annoyed to feeling pretty good about that brand.

Mary Portas would have been proud of that barista and hopefully she will rise to the top of the proverbial coffee cup and make sure that her team looks after customers like me in the future, because I will return for another cuppa!

Moral of the story, if you receive negative feedback then by addressing it you'll probably win over another loyal customer!

How are you turning negative feedback into great customer service?

Shirley Mansfield
Master Business Problem Solver

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