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February 18, 2014
3 Ways to Reduce Your Tax Bill

Simply 3 of the best HMRC giveaways! Capital Allowances, Research & Development Tax Credits and Patent Box

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February 11, 2014
How to Target New Clients

In the early days of any business the general philosophy for business owners is ‘any customer is a good one’. But as time moves on not all of those clients are worthy of the title ‘good client’.

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February 4, 2014
Garbage in Garbage Out

In one of my master classes we look at the value of your business and how you can maximise it. Nearly everybody is surprised to see ‘customer database’ almost at the top of this list. I find that so surprising as, in general, it's the first thing a liquidator looks to sell.

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January 28, 2014
The Recession is Over Now Make Some More Cuts

It's been a tough few years but hey, let’s celebrate that you're still in business, many aren't. But will you still be successfully trading at year end?

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January 21, 2014
Are the Right Clients Getting Your Attention?

When anyone starts a business it’s tempting to take on every client that comes your way. It doesn’t matter whether or not they are ideal or a money making client. We just celebrate winning clients in those early days but many of them will end up costing you a lot of money to deal with in the future.

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January 14, 2014
Do Your Personal Goals Drive Your Business Goals?

Do you only think about your business goals or consider your personal goals too? After all we should not be spending all of our time at work. As a business owner your personal goals always drive your business goals.

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January 7, 2014
All you need is a calendar

... and not just for meetings and appointments!
One of the best purchases you can make is to buy the biggest wall calendar that you can find

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December 17, 2013
Time is your most valuable asset

I don’t have time! How many time have you said that phrase – too many times, but it’s so easy to say – a great excuse for not doing. We are all guilty of the ‘I’m too busy’ syndrome. Businesses are fixated about losing money but in most cases it is lost time that is […]

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December 10, 2013
Reflect on this year’s performance and plan the numbers for next year

Numbers never seem as important as they do at this time of year. You might be frantically tracking and checking your numbers to make sure that you focus on the right things that are going to ensure that your hit your year-end target.

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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