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October 1, 2013
Employees by their very nature are un-predictable!

It is virtually impossible to scale and grow a business without people so recruiting, managing, rewarding and exiting staff is a skill that you need to become better at if you are going to get the best return on the salary that you pay them.

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September 24, 2013
How to Prepare Your Business Forecast

Nearly every SME’s I meet doesn’t have a business forecast. Some have a cash flow forecast but that’s about it. At least those with a cash flow forecast will be able to track cash and that’s important.

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September 17, 2013
How to Annoy your Customers with Automated Actions

If you are thinking of automating anything in your business that will impact the customer, consider these questions first.....

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September 10, 2013
Just Make It Easy, Please

If you want to make a sale you have to make it easy for customers to do business with you. The more barriers and hoops you put in the way for your customers the less likely they are to buy from you. After all most of us want an easy life – so why do some companies just make it so hard to do business with?

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September 3, 2013
How to Assess How Your Business is Perceived

Perception is reality in the mind of the beholder. You might think that you have a great business but if just a few of your customers, suppliers or employees don’t believe that you could be in real trouble! It takes years to build a reputation and minutes to destroy it.

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August 27, 2013
Working On It, Not In It

Everyone knows this phrase – on it not in it, just as we all know we should ‘focus on the important’ bits first. But we don't. We love working in our business too much, or is it that we don’t know where to start?

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August 20, 2013
It’s Only 4 Months to Christmas……

It's 4 months to Christmas and that means year end too! Are you on target to hit your year-end sales target? Perhaps a better question is how have you performed against your target so far this year?

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August 13, 2013
It Doesn’t Have to be Lonely

Starting a business. Beware there is usually an under-current that threatens to de-rail your plans. It’s loneliness . Here are my 9 top tips.

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August 6, 2013
Engaging Outsourcers 20 Questions to Ask

Whatever you may think, no-one will ever be as passionate about your business as you are - FACT? They can't be; it's not theirs!

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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