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March 19, 2013
Let’s Put Internal Communications Back on the To Do List

I've always been puzzled as to why internal communications always comes at the bottom of the to-do list. I found that many businesses are great at communicating externally but when it comes to internal communications it's just a mess.

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March 15, 2013
Why We Have A Business Coach

ID&C Ltd Case Study - Business Coaching As a 20 year old business we had done well, very well; good growth, good profit, innovative products that customers wanted to buy, a successful business. So why did we engage business coach? Well, we didn't know that we really needed business coaching until we met Shirley Mansfield […]

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March 12, 2013
The Problem with Delegation

As we wake this morning we yet again ask ourselves that ever recurring question – how am I going to cram 20 hours of work into an 8, 10 or 12 hour day? The ‘to do’ list just seems to multiply overnight, and that’s without all the things I thought about just as I was going to sleep

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March 5, 2013
How to Make More Money Without Any New Customers

Everyone knows it's more expensive to secure a brand-new client than it is to get more business from our existing clients. We also know that whilst we are hard at work chasing new clients we are probably leaking existing customers because they are feeling unloved.
So here are 10 tactics you could employ quickly and easily.

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February 26, 2013
Worthwhile business objectives

The Why and How to Set Worthwhile Business Objectives.
Before the 'how' let's ask why we should set business objectives, goals or targets. It doesn't matter what you call them. The important bit is to set them.....:

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February 19, 2013
Why are Customer Surveys so Crucial to Business Success?

Customers always dictate the success or failure of any business and yours will be no different.

But why is it that we rarely ask our customers what they think of us and that is why Customer surveys are so crucial to business success?

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February 12, 2013
What Are Your Business Assets Worth?

Do you have an asset register? If yes do you know what your assets are worth and have you included everything? Time to check?

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February 5, 2013
What Happens if Your Supplier Goes Bust?

All businesses have suppliers but have you thought what the implications are for your business if your supplier lets you down or worse still goes out of business?

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January 30, 2013
Business Success It's All About Confidence

Running a successful growing business is all about confidence. From the confidence that you have in yourself, to having the confidence of your investors, advisers and suppliers through to consumer and market confidence; there is no doubt that success revolves around confidence.

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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