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August 16, 2016
How Much Money are you Throwing Away?

We all love a bargain and of course, we all know an eBay queen; don’t we? I do, her name is Julie. A conservatory, garden house and a beautiful leather designer sofa for around £500 – all 3 items were £19,500 less than shop prices.

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July 20, 2016
8 Reasons Why You Should Be ISO Certified

I’m sure that you’ve heard of ISO 9001 or perhaps 14001, but do you know why companies work hard to gain the certification?
Easy. They make more money.

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July 6, 2016
12 Ways to Increase Business Referrals

Let me ask you this…. Would you be more likely to employ a web designer because someone recommended them or because you found then on a Google search? I know what I’d do – a recommendation trumps any other marketing; every time.

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June 28, 2016
10 Reminders for Business Post Brexit

Whichever way you voted, it’s clear that we’re going to have to get on with it! The world is different, but in many ways it’s just the same. Uncertain times will become the norm; at least for the next 2-3 years. Perhaps not a great place for a business to be, but then history has […]

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June 22, 2016
Somebody, Anybody, Everybody, Nobody

Does everybody in your organisation know who does what? Perhaps the most common statement uttered in your office is ‘It’s Not My Job’!
When your employees know what they have to do, why, how and when, everything runs smoothly.

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May 25, 2016
How Big is Your Target Market?

Last week, I asked a business, ‘How big is your target market’? Full of pride they said 1.2million. This number was the size of all small and micro companies in the UK SME market. I waited for them to cut that figure into smaller more manageable segments but they didn’t. This is what you should do

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May 9, 2016
Get A Grip Book Review

As a business coach I’ve come across lots of different business models and management systems – some good others debatable.
I’ve read lots of books too and each one promises to help the struggling business owner.
Here is my review of Get a Grip.

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April 21, 2016
Delegate Elevate Terminate Automate

A business owner’s life is a very busy one! But it doesn’t have to be that way. Why is it that some business owners work part time, have lots of holidays, but you have your nose to the grind stone 24/7? Well, the so called ‘part-timers’ have worked out how to get things done efficiently and effectively.

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January 15, 2016
Setting Big Business Goals Can Be Destructive

Goal setting can be tricky. It’s tempting to say that you’re going to double the business in 3 years; uplift sales by 40% next year or lose a stone in weight. Sometimes a goal can just be too big; The Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG).

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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