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July 8, 2015
15 Growth Tips From Real Entrepreneurs

A couple of weeks ago 3 of my clients were asked to present at a business success conference. All had grown their businesses over the last 3 years and were asked for their top 5 entrepreneurial tips for growing a successful business. Here they are:

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June 25, 2015
Are You Digitally Protected?

Your business is all set to go; the stationery is printed, the phone is on, the internet is pulsing at the modem, you’re about to make your first contacts! The excitement is building! Stop!

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May 29, 2015
Care About Your Customers and Boost Profit

Ever feel that your staff believe that a customer should come last? Let me explain.

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May 20, 2015
Time to Prune your Business for Better Profits

If you are a gardener, it’s all about the Chelsea Chop this week. The premise is that if you prune or cut back plants now you’ll get a better crop of flowers, just a little bit later. I do it every year, and it works! The same works in your business.

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April 30, 2015
Don’t Risk Ruining Your Reputation

It takes years to build a great and valuable reputation and it only takes minutes to destroy it. Understanding reputation and reputational risk management are both crucial to the success of your business.

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April 20, 2015
Are You Constantly Curious?

You should be. Without our curiosity we never learn and a life (or a business) without learning is, well, just dull.

I’m constantly curious about my clients, their industries, how someone does something, new technology, different ideas…. The list is endless.

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April 7, 2015
4 Ways You Are Driving Customers Away

How many of your "customers" repeat purchase from you? Do you know? I ask because so many companies don't know or don’t care. Here's the answer....

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March 31, 2015
Talk Like TED – Book Review

Book Review Whether you are embarking on your first presentation; giving a best man’s speech or pitching to win, then Talk Like TED: The 9 Public Speaking Secrets of the World’s Top Minds is for you. Written by Carmine Gallo it’s available in paperback, e-reader and Audible.

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March 12, 2015
My Top 11 Business Reads

Keep learning is something that I’ve always done. I love finding out new things; thoughts, methods, approaches, technology and techniques.

New Titles Added Oct '18

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1 6 7 8 9 10 22


“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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