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February 16, 2024
5 Simple Steps to Create Your Marketing Plan

Business planning is vital if you what your business to be a success. But these plans don’t have to be 40 pages long. Short and sweet is the best way to go. You will have seen my 3 Pieces of Paper™ approach to business planning which means you can have a very workable business plan […]

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December 30, 2023
First Steps to Finding Lots and Lots of Your Ideal Customers

Over the years I have found that business have lots of challenges but the top 2 are usually Not enough money, or Not enough customers This blog focuses on finding your ideal customers. So, let's dive in and discover how you can find yours! Keep an eye out for the Money blog! Understand Who You […]

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December 17, 2023
Why Your Business Story Matters So Much?

One of my favourite questions to ask a new client is… “Tell me how you got to where you are now? Even if it’s a long story, it tells me a lot about the business owner and their business.

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October 6, 2020
The £10K Planning Mistake

That businesses make again and again. There is a simple solution but its so often overlooked as this story shows...

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March 25, 2020
41 Secrets to Excellent Customer Engagement

I've added even more secrets to this post; another 7 secrets curated from the best thought leaders around.

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April 1, 2019
Less Words Equals Better Communication

If you like brevity, straight to the point documents that really work then its time to focus on bullet points, numbered lists and removing 10% of the words with every edit. Less is more!

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September 14, 2017
Extend & Engage Your Personal Network

Generally business owners are so busy running the business, they’ve neglected their networks. The “extra” effort to re-engage with their networks seems to stop them. Here are some tips to help you.

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October 23, 2015
Business Event - Mixing Up Your Marketing Methods

Whether you’re an established business or an enthusiastic entrepreneur, staying one step ahead of the competition is key. Traditional marketing techniques are being overtaken by innovative approaches to brand promotion - and mixing up your marketing methods will keep your brand fresh. A guest post from Display Wizard

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April 30, 2015
Don’t Risk Ruining Your Reputation

It takes years to build a great and valuable reputation and it only takes minutes to destroy it. Understanding reputation and reputational risk management are both crucial to the success of your business.

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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