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July 30, 2013
2 Problems Solved with 1 Connection

I love matchmaking or should I say connecting people if we are talking in business mode. I love it when 2+2 = 1004! I just love being the + in the middle.

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July 23, 2013
First Impressions Count

Our first impressions of people we meet really count in business – those first few seconds can make or break a future business relationship. Here's a cautionary tale.....

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July 16, 2013
Keys to Good Recruitment

Recruiting staff is tough; really tough. Can these potential employees really do what they say they can? Will they fit into your team? Will they stay, and for how long? Do they really buy into your vision?

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July 9, 2013
How valuable is your customer database?

Most of the business owners I work with want to sell their business, for lots of money and retire. Family businesses generally have a different agenda but whatever your goal you need to build value in your business.

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July 2, 2013
Essential Skills of Problem Solving

Right, here it comes... We are really bad at solving problems, aren’t we? Because if we were any good at it we wouldn't still be solving the same problems that we had last week, last month or last year.

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June 25, 2013
How to Set Up Your Foreign Exchange Services

Your business is going well and now the import / export market is calling. A great deal of money can be won or lost depending on the exchange rate and how you move your money from one currency to another. Here are 8 top tips from World First to keep you on the right track.

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June 18, 2013
The Power of Two

Remember the Skoda Cake Car? Well, this week’s guest blog is from the woman whose company  baked the cake that built the car: Sharon Goodyer. Her insightful blog follows a discussion we were having about how to make training in the work place

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June 11, 2013
What is Mentoring?

I'm often asked what is the difference between a business coach and mentor? In many respects they are very similar, they both focus on improvement in the business or the person. But they are different in the way that they are delivered, how the solution is delivered and by whom.

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June 4, 2013
How to Improve Your Personal Productivity

Do you have down days? No energy, zero personal productivity, low drive or enthusiasm?

Well, you're not alone; everyone I know has just such periods. But somehow we all manage to eventually shake them off but it’s so frustrating to look back on that wasted time?

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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