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January 29, 2013
Marketing Expertise in Demand

The biggest skills gap in high growing businesses is marketing followed by sales and then funding. We shouldn't be surprised,but what can we do about it....

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January 22, 2013
Profitable Businesses Go Bust?

… But why?
Bank managers, angel investors and many, many failed business owners will all tell you that profitable businesses go bust. Why? Because they run out of cash!

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January 15, 2013
I’m a Customer Please Ignore Me

So many tools and apps are the same (at least they seem that way to me).  Essentially they solve the same problem – but when they go wrong, as a business owner, you want someone to solve the problem for you. And guess what, generally we are happy to pay if we have done the damage.

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January 8, 2013
Don’t Ignore Business Key Performance Indicators

It’s official! 60% of SME businesses don’t track any Key Performance Indicators (KPI) at all. Almost 2/3rds of respondents confirmed that monthly KPIs are non-existent in their business

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January 2, 2013
Business Risks You Might Not Have Thought Of..

Your business is running risks every day. But the majority of business owner paid only passing attention to identifying or managing business risks
Businesses should have a risk log which details:

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December 11, 2012
12Ps of Business Planning

Almost every business owner I know takes time at Christmas to reassess their business achievements and set next year’s goals and new projects. Here are my 12Ps of Business Planning for Christmas to help you focus you’re thinking.

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December 10, 2012
Business Insurance Renewal - Take it Seriously

This weeks guest post is all about business insurance. Steve Mansfield sets out what you need to consider when it comes to renewal.

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December 4, 2012
How to Ruin a Business Awards Night

I recently attended a business awards dinner expecting to hear about lots of successful business's. I had been to the same business awards last year and really enjoyed an inspiring event so, I was definitely looking forward to it. Another chance to mix with positive successful business people, all competing to be best in class.

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November 30, 2012
No-one Buys on Price

My guest blog this week is from Steve Jessop. Here he discusses the age old debate about the role that price plays in the sales process in No-one Buys on Price.

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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