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May 14, 2014
Don't Ask Don't Get

When I am coaching a business, this is my third most used phrase. The first is "businesses go bust because they run out of cash" and the second is "business would be easy without customers and staff". But the "don't ask don't get" phrase can be the difference between added success and staying just where you are.

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May 6, 2014
How to Make Meetings Better

Is your diary packed to the rafters; no time to do the important work; is your day filled with an endless round of coffee and biscuits? Wow, don’t they waste time and increase the waistline too.

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April 15, 2014
And Then The Bread Roll Arrived...

My lovely husband and I had arrived at the restaurant. A beautiful setting, well designed posh place. Just a few tables so we could have our own conversation rather than having to listen to the table next to us, you know what I mean! Everything seemed perfect and then....

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April 8, 2014
You Know You Can, But Should You?

Debbie is the MD of a successful and very busy business but is continually battling the in-tray because she has found it difficult to delegate. She started the business and knows how to do everything and most of the time she does!

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April 1, 2014
You Need Employees and Customers to Sell Your Products

Business would be easy without customers and staff; then business is never easy; if it was everyone would be doing it, wouldn’t they? People are one of your greatest assets, but...

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March 25, 2014
Things I've Learnt From Writing

Now as I pen the final chapters of my book; The Grown-Up Business, I can once again reflect on what I've learnt.

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March 11, 2014
How Much Should You Spend on Marketing?

As a past marketing director, my financial director would always throw in this question at budget time; "So, Shirley which half of your marketing budget will you waste this year?" Find out my answer

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March 4, 2014
Don’t Mess Up a New Customer Enquiry

Getting leads, sales and customer enquiries for your business is one of the top challenges for any company. In my experience, getting new customers  is one aspect that most companies need help with.

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February 25, 2014
I Just Don’t Have Time To...

I've heard this so many times but strangely enough there are exactly the same number of minutes in every hour of every day. But it seems we're just not productive. My mother has saying, "if you want something done, give it to a busy person", and in my experience it always works.

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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