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September 28, 2020
Do You Need a 47 Page Business Plan?

How many pages should be in your business plan? This was a question I was asked recently. Before answering, I decided to throw the question back and ask the business owner how long he thought the business plan should be. His answer was indicated by holding two fingers about an inch apart obviously 47 pages…… […]

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September 15, 2020
The 7 Step Business Plan

Business planning is a favourite topic for high flying, super successful businesses, but strangely its perceived as a problematic pain in the rear by 98% of other businesses.
Could that be why only 2% of companies are super successful?

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September 1, 2020
13 Mistakes to Avoid When Business Planning

Not enough business owners have a written business plan. We come across all sorts of reasons why there is no plan.... here are the 13 business planning mistakes we see most often. Avoid these and you'll stay on track.

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August 11, 2020
What's the Point of a Business Plan

If you understand how pre-planning leads to fantastic holidays, then you’ll understand why business planning is so important to success....

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August 2, 2020
Does Your Business Plan Make Sense?

Does your business plan make sense? Are your targets, plans, goals realistic or doomed to failure? Here are some tips

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July 22, 2020
Why Credit Could Be Killing Your Business

Do you give credit freely?
Nobody has an automatic right to credit; it must be earned. Credit is very precious and mustn’t be given away lightly. Why would you risk a double loss: the goods and the payment?

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July 7, 2020
Review, Then Plan

My website's had an overdue upgrade. I’m thrilled with the result. What do you think?
This is what I've learnt from reviewing every blog I've written. All 232 of them!

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June 30, 2020
How to Review Your Business Plan

Everyone has a business plan, right?
Whatever type or size of plan you have, it only works if it is continually reviewed and updated. Nothing stays the same. Is it time your business Reviewed the plan?

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June 22, 2020
PodCast: How to Hire The Best Business Coach….

This podcast will answer all the questions you have about hiring a business coach.

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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