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January 10, 2024
A Simple Guide Raising Prices When Times Are Tough

Let's talk about something that can be a bit tricky - raising prices when money is tight. The temptation is to hold off in case you lose sales. But if you don’t put up your prices you’ll soon go out of business and you’ll be letting down lots of your paying customers. I bet that […]

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April 21, 2021
What is Your Cost Reduction Plan?

What is your cost reduction plan? This article explains why you need to have a plan and how to start putting one together.

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February 1, 2021
We Need More Money

If you're always saying, struggling to make ends meet, delaying projects, frustrated that you can’t grab an opportunity, or not hiring resources because cash is tight then this is the guide for you.

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September 28, 2020
Do You Need a 47 Page Business Plan?

How many pages should be in your business plan? This was a question I was asked recently. Before answering, I decided to throw the question back and ask the business owner how long he thought the business plan should be. His answer was indicated by holding two fingers about an inch apart obviously 47 pages…… […]

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July 22, 2020
Why Credit Could Be Killing Your Business

Do you give credit freely?
Nobody has an automatic right to credit; it must be earned. Credit is very precious and mustn’t be given away lightly. Why would you risk a double loss: the goods and the payment?

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June 4, 2019
Raise Your Prices the Easy Way

It’s a tough place to be when you know you’re under-charging and at the same time struggling to put your prices up? Read our tips to move prices up and keep the best customers.

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May 3, 2019
Are You Charging What You're Worth

From my experience most people aren’t. I'm constantly told its hard to raise prices but that’s usually from people who don’t value their own expertise. Your own value is set by what you are able to make of yourself. You must understand the value of the problem you solve for your customer.

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November 9, 2018
Build a Management Team on a Budget

As your business grows you're going to need more manpower, so you can continue to delight your customers.
You need to build a strong team and that includes an expert management team. Here's how

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September 2, 2018
Discounting Tactics for Business

Discounting can be a tricky subject. It can go wrong very quickly. First be clear about your objectives. Then review our list of 11 tactics to a giving a discount.

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~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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