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July 17, 2012
So You Have a Business Coach

Coaches bring expertise with them, but they also have a great ability to unlock their clients hidden skills, to boost their confidence and up-skill them as well

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July 10, 2012
Just Do It

There comes a time when, whatever it is, you just have to do it. You might be dreading an exam, an interview, meeting the bank manager or making a person redundant, but at some point you just have to JUFDI - just you flipping do it!

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July 3, 2012
Time to Walk Away?

How many times during the sales process, do you pitch and then re-pitch; attend client meetings again and again; prepare quotes, tenders then re-quotes etc.  and still not get a positive or definitive answer?

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June 26, 2012
Where the Rubber Hits the Road

Part one of this guest blog from Steve Jessop has prompted lots of discussion. Prepare to learn some more from an insider's view of  'Where The Rubber Hits The Road'....

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June 22, 2012
How to Get Paid Quickly

Closing the sale is not good enough. All businesses know that the 'sale' is not complete until the money is in your bank account. But with everyone pushing credit to the limit these days, how do you get your money, and fast?

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June 15, 2012
Good Questioning Leads to Great Sales

I’m really pleased to post this guest blog from Steve Jessop for you all to read, enjoy and learn from. His knowledge of the B2B sales market is second to none and I know that you will all learn something from this first blog.

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June 11, 2012
Love Thy Competitor

First you need to know who you are competing against, and then you need to establish where you have a competitive edge over your competition. Let’s focus on the competition that is in the same space as you.

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June 6, 2012
Profitability Improvements

So are you visible and credible?
If not, read on, and find out what you can do to make those vital improvements and grow your bottom line.

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May 30, 2012
Communication Help From My Friends

My best friends in business are..... the 6 friends of Rudyard Kipling. Not the ones you were thinking of I'm sure! But, there are six reasons why I seek his help on most of my working days. They are: who, what, where, when, why and how.

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“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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