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November 28, 2015
When To Use Pay What You Want As a Tactic

Do you have difficultly pricing your products and services?
Have you considered asking your customers to just pay what they think it’s worth? This non-pushy pricing approach is gaining many fans.

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November 15, 2015
Event Marketing: Building Your Brand

Running any event costs money so you’ll need to make sure that you get a great ROI. I’m pleased to say that The Events Structure have put this interesting blog together to help you through the maze.

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October 15, 2015
Pick Up the Phone – Make the Sales Call

Why is this one of the hardest things to do in business? When did we all become so frightened of making a phone call? In truth, it became real scary when we started calling it a ‘sales call’. But it’s just a phone call all the same.

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April 20, 2015
Are You Constantly Curious?

You should be. Without our curiosity we never learn and a life (or a business) without learning is, well, just dull.

I’m constantly curious about my clients, their industries, how someone does something, new technology, different ideas…. The list is endless.

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March 10, 2015
You Can’t Please Everyone So Stop Trying

To make money you have to have a product that works and people who want to buy it. If your product is right then who is your target customer? I shudder when businesses say ‘our product is for everyone’. You see it so many times on Dragons’ Den. ‘The market is massive’ the pitcher says; […]

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June 25, 2014
9 Simple Ways to Keep Your Clients Close

Working in a B2B industry offers an extra level of pressure to business owners, as losing just one of your clients can have a dramatic impact on your revenue - not to mention your reputation

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May 28, 2014
Don't Throw Away a Customer Unless You Want to

Losing a good client is bad enough but when it’s one of your best and you didn’t have to lose them then that’s heart-breaking. It’s also a wake-up call!

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April 15, 2014
And Then The Bread Roll Arrived...

My lovely husband and I had arrived at the restaurant. A beautiful setting, well designed posh place. Just a few tables so we could have our own conversation rather than having to listen to the table next to us, you know what I mean! Everything seemed perfect and then....

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April 1, 2014
You Need Employees and Customers to Sell Your Products

Business would be easy without customers and staff; then business is never easy; if it was everyone would be doing it, wouldn’t they? People are one of your greatest assets, but...

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~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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