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May 14, 2021
To SWOT now or SWOT later…?
Reading time: 3 minutes

A SWOT is a brilliant business tool when used at the right time.
This article explains what you need before you do the SWOT and the best time to do it!

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May 5, 2021
How To Make Thinking Time Super Productive
Reading time: 10 minutes

As well as being productive successful business owners make sure they have plenty of thinking time. Here are my tips for super productive thinking time.

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April 21, 2021
What is Your Cost Reduction Plan?
Reading time: 2 minutes

What is your cost reduction plan? This article explains why you need to have a plan and how to start putting one together.

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April 5, 2021
90 Day Re-Forecast Checklist
Reading time: 2 minutes

If you are new to 90 day re-forecasts here is our tried and tested 90 day re-forecast checklist.

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March 30, 2021
Why Meetings Need Planning
Reading time: 2 minutes

Do you plan your meetings or turn up and hope that they achieve something...?Wasted time always follows poor planning. My tips to help plan better meetings.

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March 15, 2021
The Right Sales Metrics
Reading time: 5 minutes

I’m sure you have sales specific KPI’s, but are you tracking the right metrics, so you focus on leading not following indicators, alongside past performance and future predictions?

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March 1, 2021
Sales Funnel and Sales Pipeline
Reading time: 3 minutes

Sales planning is a crucial skill to master. A sales funnel is not the same as a sales pipeline, so what is the difference?

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February 12, 2021
How to Get the Best Clients
Reading time: 4 minutes

Do you know the clients you don’t want in your business? You should. There are ‘time-robbers’ everywhere and at the top of the list are unsuitable clients and customers.

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February 1, 2021
We Need More Money
Reading time: 2 minutes

If you're always saying, struggling to make ends meet, delaying projects, frustrated that you can’t grab an opportunity, or not hiring resources because cash is tight then this is the guide for you.

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The Grown-Up Business Blog Helping Business Owners Solve Problems

Welcome to the Grown-Up Business blog. It’s a mixture of business insights, useful information, challenging comment, every day observations as well as some techy bits; all designed to help you grow your business into whatever you want it to be.

I love writing these for you; they’re thought-provoking, interesting and informative. Please feel free to share them with others.

I’m constantly curious: thinking, reading, learning and implementing positive change with my business coaching and mentoring. I continually share my insights so check back for new content. Why not re-read some of my older posts: they’re still relevant for today.


“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

© 2024 CoachSME and Shirley Mansfield

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