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January 6, 2021
The Greatest Time Saver
Reading time: 2 minutes

The greatest time saver, money maker and effort reducer in any business is a business plan. I sense you still don’t believe…. but let me change your mind....

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December 29, 2020
21 Ways Business Owners Save an Hour a Day
Reading time: 2 minutes

I'm on a mission to help business owners save 250,000 work hours next year. Would you like to reclaim 2 hours a day, every day?

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December 18, 2020
Win a Business Planning Program
Reading time: 3 minutes

If you haven't done your business planning yet, then today is the very best day to start. So, we have 2 free Business Planning in a Box Programs up for grabs.

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December 15, 2020
5 Business Calendar Must Haves
Reading time: 3 minutes

In the old days you'd spend New Year's Day transferring data from last year's paper diary to this year's one. But what should be on your business calendar

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November 30, 2020
The Christmas Survival Guide For Business Owners Who Don’t Want to Switch Off.
Reading time: 2 minutes

If you find it hard to - or just plain don’t want to switch off at Christmas, summer breaks or holidays, then this guide is just for you.

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November 18, 2020
What is Your Starting Point?
Reading time: 2 minutes

The first step towards a brilliant business plan is to really understand exactly where you are now. Fixing the starting point is important.

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October 29, 2020
How to Make Black Friday a Financial Success
Reading time: 2 minutes

Are you ready for Black Friday or does the thought of participating scare you so much you avoid one of the biggest retail trading days? Our new guide can help you make it a financial success

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October 27, 2020
One Small Task to Save £10K
Reading time: 3 minutes

In my last blog The £10K Planning Mistake, I shared the mistake that cost a business £10,000,. This is what should have happened.

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October 6, 2020
The £10K Planning Mistake
Reading time: 4 minutes

That businesses make again and again. There is a simple solution but its so often overlooked as this story shows...

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The Grown-Up Business Blog Helping Business Owners Solve Problems

Welcome to the Grown-Up Business blog. It’s a mixture of business insights, useful information, challenging comment, every day observations as well as some techy bits; all designed to help you grow your business into whatever you want it to be.

I love writing these for you; they’re thought-provoking, interesting and informative. Please feel free to share them with others.

I’m constantly curious: thinking, reading, learning and implementing positive change with my business coaching and mentoring. I continually share my insights so check back for new content. Why not re-read some of my older posts: they’re still relevant for today.


“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

© 2024 CoachSME and Shirley Mansfield

Website design by Pegu Design
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