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April 10, 2012
It's Not What You Know…..
Reading time: 3 minutes

Its who you know!
If I had a pound each time I have heard this little gem I would be a millionaire. But it is just so true in any business growth scenario. I'm constantly asked if I know a good accountant, lawyer, web designer etc.

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April 9, 2012
Remember Me?
Reading time: 4 minutes

Virtually all companies have a database of existing clients but the majority of companies just ignore them and with it they also ignore the potential for a massive increase in sales to these customers and the profits that go with that!

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April 2, 2012
Can I Have Mine Without the Gerkin?
Reading time: 2 minutes

Ask that question and the whole slick process of delivering your burger comes to a grinding halt – but why?

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The Grown-Up Business Blog Helping Business Owners Solve Problems

Welcome to the Grown-Up Business blog. It’s a mixture of business insights, useful information, challenging comment, every day observations as well as some techy bits; all designed to help you grow your business into whatever you want it to be.

I love writing these for you; they’re thought-provoking, interesting and informative. Please feel free to share them with others.

I’m constantly curious: thinking, reading, learning and implementing positive change with my business coaching and mentoring. I continually share my insights so check back for new content. Why not re-read some of my older posts: they’re still relevant for today.


“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

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