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February 26, 2019
Are You Looking After Your Employees
Reading time: 4 minutes

This is a guest post by Jamie Costello a business student. He says.. Its crucial in a small business environment that every employee works to their full potential so staff wellbeing is a hot topic

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December 9, 2018
The Ultimate Guide to Marginal Gains and The 1% Principle
Reading time: 23 minutes

The Ultimate Guide to Marginal Gains and The 1% Principle. Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Marginal Gains in One Place

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November 25, 2018
Quick Effective Planning
Reading time: 3 minutes

Every 90 days, successful businesses regroup, reflect & refocus. They update their plan, their priorities and budget and then tell everyone. The One Page Business Plan is the solution.

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November 17, 2018
Building Valuable Business Assets
Reading time: 3 minutes

When you started their own businesses was it to generate income or to create an asset or group of assets that can be sold in the future?

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November 9, 2018
Build a Management Team on a Budget
Reading time: 3 minutes

As your business grows you're going to need more manpower, so you can continue to delight your customers.
You need to build a strong team and that includes an expert management team. Here's how

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October 28, 2018
Effective Time Management
Reading time: 3 minutes

There's never enough hours in the day especially for a business owner! When I'm coaching it's one of the most common questions: 'How do I save time?

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October 5, 2018
Should You Start a Business
Reading time: 3 minutes

Deciding to start your business seems such an easy decision. But betting on yourself to start, grow and build a thriving business is a scary proposition.
Here are 20 questions to ask before you start!

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September 26, 2018
Ready To Accelerate Growth
Reading time: 3 minutes

For most people running a business is all consuming; it takes every waking hour to keep your head above water. But it doesn’t have to be like that. Yes, a growth strategy is challenging but when you’re so busy working in the business it’s hard to make the best decisions.

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September 18, 2018
When High Growth is the Wrong Strategy
Reading time: 3 minutes

A good business model is the staying small model. That doesn’t mean no growth, it means steady controlled organic growth. And for that reason, I give you permission to stay small, remain profitable, take home enough money and enjoy life and some more free time!

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The Grown-Up Business Blog Helping Business Owners Solve Problems

Welcome to the Grown-Up Business blog. It’s a mixture of business insights, useful information, challenging comment, every day observations as well as some techy bits; all designed to help you grow your business into whatever you want it to be.

I love writing these for you; they’re thought-provoking, interesting and informative. Please feel free to share them with others.

I’m constantly curious: thinking, reading, learning and implementing positive change with my business coaching and mentoring. I continually share my insights so check back for new content. Why not re-read some of my older posts: they’re still relevant for today.


“If you run a business, then buy this book. Not tomorrow, today!”
~ Sam Carpenter Work The System

© 2024 CoachSME and Shirley Mansfield

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